The SN Tip of the week is to start a blog! Use this online tool to promote your personal or company brand. Blogging offers great platform for sharing ideas, being an expert in your field or creating an online community / tribe. Cater to a specific audience and make sure to add loads of value. Also, consider following other bloggers!
I am always an advocate for a balanced networking lifestyle. Savvy networkers should be networking both on and offline. Use some time this weekend to refresh your Linkedin profile. Connect with colleagues and give out endorsement to spark some activity on your end. Also, search for new contacts to expand your networks!
The SN Tip of the week is to ask good questions. Asking open ended, thought provoking or interesting questions can spark great conversations. It can uncover hidden interests or passions and even overlapping networks!
The SN Tip of the week is to change up your networking approach. If you are used to attending large mixers, consider connecting with 1 person via coffee. If you are used to networking online, consider attending an in-person event and connecting with 4 or 5 individuals. If you are used to networking once in a while, consider networking more frequently. One little change can make a huge difference!
The SN Tip of the week is to build your networks. Do not just attend random networking events but focus on connecting with like minded individuals. Use opportunities to learn more about others and create a platform for sharing and developing!
The Champion Networker (Chi Chi Okezie) is a networking, diversity and inclusion influencer known for infusing culture, history, language, arts and entertainment into her company's training and events. Networking BooksArchives
January 2025