Do not leave your networking to chance. Get a clear vision and strategies for your networking journey. Save time, energy and build a dynamic network of meaningful relations for the long-term.
The SN Tip of the week is to be able to answer common networking questions. Whether in person or virtually, can you clearly and accurately respond to your counterparts? Practice these questions before attending your next event:
Calling all business owners, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial spirited: Do not leave your networking to chance. Gain the proper insights and tactics to forge key connections to accelerate your goals and ambitions. Craft the right approach, message and call to action in your networking endeavors.
This is a friendly reminder that networking can be fun, productive and beneficial. Do not lose your focus. But rather lean into the possibilities. As well as, keep growing and developing your networks!
Use this tip to network like a pro! The SN Tip of the week is to incorporate the "5 Minute Rule" in networking. Before you attend a networking event (in person or virtually), spend 5 minutes reflecting. Think about 1 or 2 goals you would like to achieve. Focus on who you would like to meet. Practice your elevator pitch. Last but not least, envision success.
Use this tip to master the art of networking! |
The Champion Networker (Chi Chi Okezie) is a networking, diversity and inclusion influencer known for infusing culture, history, language, arts and entertainment into her company's training and events. Networking BooksArchives
January 2025